Wednesday, July 1, 2009


The human body has an infinite ability to
heal itself. The human psyche is also an amazing thing.
Working together the mind and the body can work
what some might think are miracles. They can't
however, work their miracles without action on your part,
without your help.

A wound will heal if you keep it clean and bandaged
properly. A bone will heal if you help it along by
proper rest, nutrition, and time. A spirit can heal
with the help of others, a reframing of how you
look at a problem, and a belief.

My cast came off today! The healing of my broken ankle
continues. My spirit is soaring knowing that I can return
to the ocean. My doctor told me I can swim, paddle, bike
ride, kyak,fish and return to pretty much everything that does not
require impact. "Let it heal a bit more before popping up
on your board" he told me. "No worries" I replied with
my spirit high. Can't wait to get wet. How do others do it
I wonder? How do they heal without the ocean, without surfing?

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