Saturday, May 1, 2010

First hints of summer

It happened today! Every spring it is guaranteed
to happen at some point. Today was a warm, sunny,
summer like day. The kind of day when things just seem
right. Finally, we got a taste of things to come. A taste of summer.

There were people on the beaches in bathing suits sitting
in beach chairs and under beach umbrellas. Despite the
barely knee high surf there were more surfers in the water
than conditions warranted. Today was the day the grooms
went in the ocean wearing poorly fitting 3 mil wet suits without
boots or gloves. Sure they didn't really last too long but they
were surfing. They had fun.

The streets were filled with runners, bike riders and walkers.
First Night in Asbury Park was crowded and people were happy.
A taste of summer. A taste of things to come.

Amazing how a little preview of something good like summer,
can lift the spirits of so many. Knowing that things will get better helps
us all. It's good to know for sure, good to feel it, to actually
experience it.

Know, no matter how cloudy, dark, drab, or down life may seem,
things can get better. Summer does come. It sure is nice
to actually get an early taste to remind us, to keep our spirits
up. Now if we could just get some surf to go along with the
summer weather things might even seem perfect.

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