Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What we take for granted

Best Day Foundation, Life Rolls On, Surfer's Healing, Parents
of Children with Autism, all are wonderful organizations that
provide kids and families with something we take for granted...
a day at the beach, a chance to ride a few waves, and the joys
associated with everything about surfing.

All too often we take things for granted and don't focus on just
how lucky and blessed we are. How often do you find yourself
stressing over something that, in the big picture, is stupid and
quite unimportant. All you need to do is volunteer to help out
at any organization that gives kids and families less fortunate
a chance to experience what we all love.

Do yourself a favor. Give of yourself, give something back for
the blessings that have been bestowed on you. You are not here
on earth to simply ride as many waves as you can. You have been
given a gift, the ability to be healthy and to enjoy all that the ocean
has to offer. Use your gift wisely. Share what you love you'll be
amazed how good it can make you feel. You'll find that it helps
put things in perspective, helps you focus on what you have not
what you don't have.

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